

Good Morning Britten is intended to be a year-long blog that looks to examine all the works of Benjamin Britten in this, the centenary year of his birth.

My name is Ben Hogwood, and I write about a wide variety of music for Classical Source, DMC World and formerly for musicOMH. Britten is one of my favourite composers and a fellow East Anglian. Some of his music I am greatly familiar with and it appeals to me; some of his music I don’t fully understand! The purpose of the year is to explore those and more aspects of Britten over his centenary year.

The main reason for doing this blog is to explore something new, and to involve as many people as possible in it – not just classical, but pop and folk lovers too hopefully. There have been and will hopefully continue to be some exciting interviews as part of the blog, as well as new people being introduced to Britten – and if you’d like to contribute in any way I would be delighted.

As the year progresses the updates to this blog will increase, especially as the Listening to Britten series gets into its stride, so please do come back regularly to read all about his music! I may also need some sort of counselling for over-exposure to Britten as well, so all support is very much appreciated too!

Thanks for popping by. I hope you enjoy what you read and gain something from it – and if you have any feedback or would like to get in touch about anything Britten related, and indeed music related, please mail me at goodmorningbritten@gmail.com

3 Responses to About

  1. kurtnemes says:

    What a great idea for a blog. I am embarrassed to admit that I’ve only listened to one piece by Britten in my life, and that is his Simple Symphony. But that is one of my favorite pieces of classical music of all time–awesomely satisfying and achingly short. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it. All the best.

  2. Andrew says:

    What a fantastic project and tribute to Brittten.

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